Saturday, September 16, 2023
Dallas, TX
Organized by HRC Dallas/Fort Worth
Join us for an evening of fun and surprises - Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner 2023 (GWCTD)
Saturday, September 16 2023, 5:30 - 11:00 pm
DFW Human Rights Campaign Federal Club and the North Texas LGBT Chamber of Commerce invite you to an eventful dinner sponsored by individual hosts.
The dinner locations are secret and you never know where you might end up, what the theme of your dinner will be or who you might be sitting next to. Your dinner experience will range from a party of eight to twenty guests, depending on the host.
And after your surprise dinner, all the evening’s guests will meet up at another undisclosed location for desert, cocktails, amazing silent auction items and the chance to share the tales of your dinner adventure.
The evening’s proceeds support the critical work of the DFW Human Rights Campaign Federal Club and fund scholarships for deserving LGBTQ and ally students provided by the LGBT Chamber of Commerce Foundation.
They will sell out and you do not want to miss this fun night.
You do not need to be in attendance to bid on auction items.
Thank you to our sponsors
Presenting sponsor: Daniel Padilla Gallery
Invitation sponsor: MD Progressive Care